Ok, I have a confession to make...I LOVE LOVE LOVE HEART LOVE Sneakers. I really don't get the chance to wear them much and must admit I get a lil grumpy if someone stands on them or if I scuff them on a gutter. So due to this fact I simply collect them and wear them when around people I trust, lol, anal I know.
These are the new loves in my life. The brand is called Pastry - don't they just look delicious, yum yum. You can get them from an online American store called Dr. Jays - drjays.com and lucky enough for you kids they are on SALE at the moment, unluckily for me I paid full price :-( but my love for them is still strong.
My sneaker obsession began Christmas 2005 while in Sydney visiting a good friend of mine who works in radio. Well anyway while he was working, a very busy man being executive producer, I shopped. I know I know, how horrible to be left all alone in a big city with some of the best shopping in Australia! Naturally I of course took a lil detour into the Adidas shop and found the
beauties below. They are the beginning of my obsession and I personally think they are the greatest shaped hi-tops I own. The artwork on them is by an artist called Fafi, if you don't know her then you've obviously been living under a rock. She's a graffiti artist and i recommend you check out her work at fafi.net.
Now I'm going to admit something of myself that i am quite ashamed of, I HATE Heels...Don't get me wrong I love them for their looks and their amazing ability to lengthen my legs and make me look tall and sexy and well you get the point. But the pure pain involved in them is agonising. They make me feel as if I want to sit all night and have to talk to my feet quite angrily telling them to pull themselves together and go get me another Capriosca. As much as I try to be a lady I must say that jeans and flats will always be my outfit of choice although Summer is making me change my habits rather fast. But be patient kids as the posts for my sweet summeryness will be up soon.
So now after my rant and admittance to hating heels, could someone please explain to me why oh why I bought these 6inches of hell below??? Yes I know, they are awesomely radtastic, but whyyyyy? I have worn them once and lets just say I got halfway down my driveway took them off and grabbed some black peep toes from the boot of my car.