Thursday, July 30, 2009

Miss this!

Oh to be young and in LOVE. It used to feel like the world stopped when you kissed them...

Fuck it! I'm moving to Brazil

I recently did a post 'Take me back to the 70's!' featuring a house which was pretty much perfection in my opinion located in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Now I have stumbled across KAA Restaurant, also located in Sao Paulo. This place is sweet! I need to go there, eat there, drink and be merry there! That's it kiddies, I am saving my pennies and going to Brazil. Pretty sure it's made for me!

KAA Restaurant, Sao Paulo, Brazil

*Click on post title for link to KAA Restaurant


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Random Tuesday!

Turning girly shit into awesomness!

I recently stumbled across this amazing artist, Mari Kasurinen. She sculpts, paints and does etching although her main body of work is taking My Little Pony's and converting them into pop culture icons. I think they are pretty flippen rad, I hope you like.

My Little Superman

My Little Storm Trooper

My Little Edward Scissor Hands

My Little Marilyn Monroe

My Little Lady Gaga

My Little Michael Jackson

My Little Elvis

My Little Kill Bill Bride

My Little Batman

*Click on post title for link to Mari Kasurinen

Monday, July 27, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009


Sweet gift ideas!

Buying a gift for the person that has it all? Or simply love cute things that make you smile. I urge you to check out Fred Flare. They have the cutest gifts, clothing, shoes, jewellery, things for the home and things that just step outside of the box that you simply must have.

These are just a few of the things on my wish list at Fred Flare.

Sparrow Salt & Pepper Shakers $14US

Mix Tape USB Flash Drive $18US

Lipstick Pen $5US

Juno Cheeseburger Phone $26US

Ice Cream Lamp $48US

*Click on post title for link to Fred Flare

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Renee's Burlesque Birthday Party

I thought I'd pop up a few of the happy snaps from my good friend Renee's birthday party on the Gold Coast. The theme was burlesque (in the middle of winter), not the best idea. I smartly kept pretty covered up. Although I'm not normally one for showing much skin regardless of season. I hope you like.

The beautiful girls: Renee, Lauren and Laura

The sexy boys: Jase, Luke and Benny

Me: aka Caity180

My makeup

The always gorgeous birthday girl: Renee

The crew: Tina, Me (i was channelling burlesque gangsta) Renee, Lauren and Laura


Take me back to the 70's

Panama House, Sao Paulo, Brazil

This place is pretty spectacular. I love the clean lines and materials used. I also love how it has been designed with an open plan in mind yet it still retains it's cosy homely feel. Oh and the stone wall, straight out of Anchorman, awesome! I could definitely live here.

*Click on post title for link to Marcio Kogan

Flippen sick dust catcher!

Superdeux Mickey Mouse Figurine

*Click on post title for link to Superdeux

Post for a friend...

For my mate who thinks he is failing at life...just remember that there is always someone who is a bigger failure than you!